Happy Holi-daze

 Why do I already feel so behind when it is only December 5?  I did the math – there are still 20 whole days ’til Christmas.  In college that was more than enough time to cram for five finals AFTER catching up on the all of the reading I’d slacked off on.  I know I sound like an old fogey (and some of today’s college students would say I am at my ripe old age), but the season has taken on a life of its own, far more commercial than the birthday party Christmas was intended to be.  I’ve been shopping for ages, stockpiling things as I see them, and actually have a cute little “Christmas notebook,” so I can be uber-organized yet festive.  (Check out the $1 aisle at Michael’s.  Good things are found there, especially if you like Mary Engelbreit’s stuff which I do.)

I don’t really get the whole watered-down “happy holidays” thing either.  What could be so offensive about the phrase “Merry Christmas?”  If a Jewish person wished me a Happy Hanukah, I don’t think I would take offense, especially since it is friendly greeting usually given with warmth.  I am all for respecting religious diversity, but I can think of many far more offensive things that people could greet me with other than some well-intentioned good tidings.  I will let your mind wander to come up with some examples.  OK, here’s a couple.  “Hey, stupid!  I was hoping you’d never show up!” or something like this, “Man, you sure took your ugly pills this morning, didn’t you?”  You see what I’m saying?  THAT’S not nice, not nice at all.  In fact, it is downright insulting.  
I’ve never been a big fan of the whole “Xmas” shorthand either.  If you take the Christ out of Christmas, why bother with the holiday at all?  Why don’t we just call it Commercial Day and have it in June?  Well, my opinion abruptly changed when I read recently that the term “Xmas” did not originate in a holiday circular from Target.  Way back when, the Greeks came up with the shorthand of “Xmas” because their Greek word for Christ starts with an X.  Xristos, I think it is spelled.  So you just never know, do you?  So in case you were wondering, now Xmas is 
a-okay with me.
Happy Hanukah, merry Xmas, and good tidings to everyone!

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