Hail to Queen Dolley, the Presidentess! The audiobook for “Dolley Madison and the War of 1812” is now live on Audible! Many thanks to Theresa Bakken for her wonderful work! You’ve go...
“THE GIRL WHO WON THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR” Please join us at The Half Way House Restaurant in Chester, VA, on Sunday, October 27, at 2 PM. The Richmond Sons of the Revolution (SAR) will unve...
Come meet the Presidentess, Dolley Madison! Such an honor to speak remotely on her and her role during the War of 1812 for the First Ladies Association for Research and Education (FLARE) on Monday, Ju...
HUZZAH! I have long dreamed of having “Susanna’s Midnight Ride” on Audible. That day is finally here! So glad I took the plunge with the help of my fabulous narrator, Theresa Bakken. We are both...
HUZZAH! I recently had the honor of speaking at Hanover Historic Courthouse in Hanover, Virginia for the Hanover Historical Society. This is the courtroom where Patrick Henry successfully argued the l...
Saturday, March 16, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., Aspiring Writer’s Seminar Magnolia Grange House Museum, Chesterfield, Virginia Calling all aspiring writers, young and old. Would you like to write a s...
The Civil War began and ended during the month of April in 1861 and 1865, so April is the perfect time for this announcement. (Cue the drummer boys now.) My third historical fiction novel will fo...