After yesterday’s excursion I now realize that I should pay more attention to the names of places. We drove from Breckenridge (aka “Breck”) to the town of Buena Vista to go rafting, marveling at the phenomenal views the entire way there. We were just blown away (not literally thankfully) and not a hint of smoke anywhere by the way.
In retrospect we should not had been surprised by the many vistas en route. Heck, the very name “Buena Vista” should had been a big ole clue since it’s Spanish for “good view.” To say there is a “good view” in Buena Vista is like saying Lance Armstrong can ride a bike. Holy moley! (Incidentally there is also a Buena Vista in Virginia. I’ve never actually been there, but I’m willing to bet there are beautiful views abounding there as well! It’s now on my list of places in VA to see.)
Then over the course of the next hour as we approached Buena Vista, we had one of the most beautiful drives of our lives. It is now one of my all-time favorite drives, right up there with one my friend Jamie and took in Maui back in the day. I can’t remember the name of the road anymore, but it’s the one you’re not supposed to drive on with a rental car, but everybody does. (Sorry, Avis!) As a matter of fact, it seemed like 100% of the cars out there were rentals. I guess the locals are smart enough not to ruin their own cars out there — or maybe they already have already learned their lesson!
Anyway we arrived in Buena Vista, ready to raft, baby! We got all suited up like sausages stuffed in casings, got on the Partridge Family bus, and headed down to the river some good old-fashioned fun! What a hilarious get-up!
OK, I may as well embarrass all three of us. Let’s have some equal opportunity embarrassment here. (Se below.)