All good things must come to an end, and this school year is no exception. But where did the time go? It went by so fast I’m dizzy!
This is one of those times when I’d love to stop the clock to just savor every moment, but the sands of time must go on…
Now there is only one more day — a half-day today and a half-day tomorrow. And then — POOF! It’s like an ice cream cone melting away before your very eyes. Try as you might, you just can’t eat it fast enough even though it’s your favorite flavor.
It’s such a race to the finish with all of the end of year events, gifts, and ceremonies. Whew! It’s like Christmas in June — without the carols and red-n-green motif of course! (Thank God for that!)
Summer is a-comin’ so you may as well embrace it!