Nothing — and I mean NOTHING –to Show

It is one of those unproductive days which drive me bonkers.  It’s 3:15 in the afternoon, and the day has been a big ole bust up to this point.  First of all, I woke up at 4 AM and then couldn’t go back to sleep.  I finally got up, but I had to be really quiet to not wake anyone else up, so there wasn’t much I could do besides surf the Internet.  (There should be a picture of a person surfing the Internet next to the word “unproductive” in the dictionary because there are few thing less productive.)  

Then around 7:30 I had a burst of optimism.  (I vow never to give into these positive impulses in the future.)  I suggested we take a joyous family outing to eat breakfast at a local diner.  Sam would do just fine with some pancakes, a couple of freebie crayons, and a coloring book.  What was I thinking?  I’m the one who is with him all the time!  If anyone should know better, it’s me!  Soooooo the first pin to prick my balloon was him refusing to sit still for ten seconds, if that.   
Finally the food arrived.  Don’t you know it, the little stinker ate barely any of his stack o’ pancakes, egg, or sugary apple slices.  Aaargh!  I wolfed my omelet down as well as a few decadent bites of Sam’s rejected buttery-sugary-pancakes while Bern dealt with the Terrible Twoster.  Then we switched custody.  The worst part was that it just never got fun, which was the whole point of the outing in the first place.  (See above reference to “joyous family outing.”)  By then the ten minute window was up.  It was time to SCRAM before we were run out of the place by a lynch mob of “normal” people trying to relax and enjoy their lazy Saturday morning. 
I scrambled (get it, scrambled?) off to spin class at 9:15, but I was three minutes too late.  And so it went until now, but I’m hoping this rambling will put me back on track for the day.  There goes that optimism again.  Will I ever learn?
Unproductively yours,

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