Don’t know about you, but by the time Christmas is over, I’m exhausted, depleted, done. But there was still another chore to do. So it was time, time for Sam to write some thank you note...
Some dear friends have an adorable eight-month-old daughter named Grace, so for Christmas I got her some multi-colored stacking toys and a couple of Christmas board books. It was all innocent, I swe...
So how it is so far for you, this 2014 thing? Well, here’s my first blog entry of the new year. Oh, the pressure of it all, to have something to say that is truly interesting for othe...
The piece linked below is in the current issue of Robious Corridor Magazine. However, as many of you know, my main squeeze Cowboy is no longer living with us. Not longer after the submiss...
Ah, what a relief! Time to write a blog entry again — WOO HOO! That to me is the best gift of all! Christmas Day is here, and it all got done. Well, not really but hopefully most ...
In the ongoing battle between sweet doggy Cowboy and Louise the outraged Queen Mother Kitty, we have a final winner. Much to her elation, Louise is the last man/animal/cat standing. To make...
Cowboy has quite a thing going for this innocent stuffed animal turkey!! Not sure what about it makes him quite so CRAZY OBSESSED, but there’s something special going on there all right! Loo...
So are you Team Cowboy or Team Louise? Oh my! This dog really is like having a second child. Actually it’s more like having a third, if you include Louise, which you definitely should. Let...
Oh my. It started off so well, really it did. When he’s not asleep, Cowboy loves being in the car and doesn’t mind a bit while I’m in a store. It’s just another gr...