Who is Sam’s tag-a-long, you ask? Me, that’s who. He has this rockin’ social life, and thankfully I’m allowed to come along as his driver/bodyguard. Otherwise I’d b...
Last night was one of those rights of passage of parenthood that you never want to experience — the dreaded emergency room. Even thinking about the emergency room makes me nervous, let alone a...
I know it sounds trite, but it is so nice to be home. Home, you are too kind, welcoming us with an enveloping hug, an endearing smile! I know it’s hard for you to muster much sympathy for us...
Today Sam and I headed out to the Homestead, his fifth trip to this exclusive five star resort in his two and a half year life span. Not too shabby, huh, considering that it’s a once in lifeti...
I remember it so vividly, probably because it happened all the time. It all started the minute my stomach started to stick out, more than usual that is. It happened everywhere — at Target, a...
It’s official. We are lame and have been scared into further lameness. For the first time in ages upon ages, we met another couple (Frent’s parents) out for drinks and appetizers and t...
Today I woke to hear Sam hollering down the hallway from his crib, “Sam want to wake up!” Even though I was dying for a few more minutes of sleep at 0’dark-thirty, it still cracked m...
Sam has another little chum (I just love that word “chum”) named Everett who is five months older than him. And when you are are only two years old, those five months can make all the di...
Sam’s got his first real buddy, an energetic little guy named Trent. Sam pronounces it “Frent” which, ironically enough, sounds just like a merger of “friend” and ̶...
Oh, do I ever hate sippy cups! Don’t get me started, but I’ve already gotten myself started. So it’s too late, my friends, like crying after spilled Juicy Juice. Seriously, tho...