A Weekend Away, Hurray!

Ah, the phrase alone takes me away without even having to go anywhere.  And the beauty of it is that I did get to go somewhere, too!  Yes, I went to DC for a fun-filled three-day weekend with two old and dear friends from my Army days (daze?).  Needless to say, it was more refreshing than a vodka tonic on a hot summer day!  (Yes, that good!)  At first I missed my two guys so much I was ready to bulldoze my way back home, but by Sunday I hardly knew who they were.  (I’m exaggerating a wee bit, I confess.  I did still have a foggy recollection of them.)  I must admit, it was so refreshing to forget that I’m a mommy and a wife for a few days.  Of course, I must clarify that I didn’t forget I was a wife in the way that Eliot Spitzer “forgot” he was married for his multiple trysts over eight months.  I am using the word “forget” as in feeling single in a carefree, fun-loving way.)

I seriously cannot remember the last time I laughed that hard and so often.  I don’t think I have ever called home so infrequently to see how things were going.  But by the time I was in the home stretch careening down the highway on Sunday, I could hardly wait to get inside and hug my little man.  (Poor Bernie was at work all day, so there was a babysitter there.  Otherwise I would’ve been equally excited to see Daddy Mac.)  I had prepared myself for the worst, though — that Sam would be mad at me for being gone so long and give me the cold shoulder when I got home.  I had braced myself, I was ready for it.  Heck, I even knew I deserved it for ditching him for three whole days, longer than I had ever been away from him before.  Deep down  though, I knew the break was still worth it, even if he was mad at me for a while.  But I was hoping, just  hoping for just a little lovin’ from Fireman Sam.  And what do you know — I got it and then some!  
When I burst into the family room, he stood up and started to jump up and down.  Then he ran over to me, exclaiming, “Mommy came back!” and threw his arms around my neck.  The best moment of all was yet to come when he  rested his head down on my shoulder and kept it there for a good ten minutes or so.  It was the best feeling in the world to feel so missed, loved, and appreciated.  Those ten minutes were even better than 3 days of whooping it up in DC, better than anything at all.  (Sorry, Debster and Jamie!)
So Mommy’s back now and better than ever, at least for the next couple of days.  It sure is funny to realize that the only thing better than leaving is coming back.  Mommy will always come back.  You can bank on that one.

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