Let’s Go Camping!

Yesterday we went to a super-cute class for toddlers called “Let’s Go Camping” at the Nature Center in Rockwood Park.  Chesterfield County Recreation Department sponsors lots of individual classes during the summer for kids, broken down by age groups.  The ones for Sam’s age cost $4 a piece.  They’re not $5, and they’re not free.  They’re $4.  I don’t know why that cracks me up so much, but it does.  My favorite part, though, is when they ask which credit card you’ll use to pay for it when you call to register.  Refreshing, that’s what it is.

It is amazing how many things the kids did over the course of a mere hour.  First of all, the kids (with a wee bit of help help from Mommy) made their own backpacks out of brown paper bags. It was both so clever and adorable.  The straps were made out of a paper bag, too, and then glued on with impressive staying power.  Note to Self:  I have underestimated the power of glue all my life.  Then the kids each drew a picture which we, I mean, they glued on to teh front of the backpack.
Next we moved on to Miss Denise showing the kids a Fisher Price camping lantern, one of the cutest and most practical toys upon which I have laid my eyes.  And, trust me, I have seen a lot of toys in my time.  I’d like to own one myself, just looking at it makes me happy.  The array of built-in features was downright impressive —  frog and cricket sounds, light, canteen, frying pan with fake bacon and eggs, jackknife with knife/fork/spoon, and dinner plate.  Check it out -with a google of “Fisher Price camping lantern.”  Oh, and how did I forget to mention it is only $19.99?
After Miss Denise read a book about camping, the kids and chaperones made some homemade (or Nature-Center-made) trail mix of M&M’s, Wheat Chex, and granola.   No big surprise, the M & M’s were a big hit with Sam who didn’t see any point in putting any of the other stuff in his baggie.  He definitely is my child.
All equipped with a backpack and trail mix, we were ready to hike.  As we set out, Sam started to wail, “I want to go home!”  However, he cheered right up when it was time to take a break, sit on a log, and pick the M&M’s out of his trail mix.  Once we got back to the Nature Center, Miss Denise handed out camping coloring and activity sheets to work on at home.
All that in a hour and for only $4.
Here’s to Miss Denise!

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